「深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底」: 佛陀智慧的再現

「深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底」這部電影改編自Dan Millman (丹米爾曼)的原著小說,內容敘述一位優秀的體操選手,如何在智者蘇格拉底的教導下,學會如何看待生命,過有意義的生活。值遇蘇格拉底之前,主角Dan一直是被幸運之神眷顧的天之驕子,他擁有富裕的家庭背景和體操的天賦,但是內心卻無法感到平靜與滿足。於是在某一個深夜被一場惡夢驚醒後,他來到明亮的加油站,遇見了改變他一生的心靈導師---蘇格拉底。

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The ceremony of pardoning a turkey dates back to Lincoln’s time. It was in 1863, when he set aside Thanksgiving as a holiday for the American people. When his cook came for the turkey for the Thanksgiving feast, his son wept loudly to beg for its life, for the turkey had then become his pet and friend. Lincoln did spare its life to show his mercy. So the tradition goes down in history. In this annual ceremony of turkey pardoning, President Obama emphasizes the American spirit---compassion, ingenuity and strength besides the traditional parting words for the turkeys. The following is his speech in 2009:

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a true love story


    “Christian the Lion”is a story about true love. It illustrates the spirit of compassion, which involves concern for others’ needs. As an expression of true love, compassion knows when to let go of others while attachment holds firmly onto others.

     Dalai Lama has also given instruction on this.  We often confuse the emotions of compassion and attachment, mistaking one for the other. What we call compassion is true sympathy for others without any projection or expectation on our parts. But attachment is another thing. It is motivated by our desire for gaining something in return from others. It is easy for us to show good will to our close friends or family. By doing this, we get some feedback from them. But it’s difficult for us to show benevolence to our enemies because we may get nothing but hostility in return. So, what we do most often in our daily life is attachment instead of compassion. And it takes a subtle mind to distinguish between the two.

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What is best about Jane Austen is that her description can always be manifest in people around you. Lizzy’s mother in Pride and Prejudice fits my grandma so well: “she was a woman of mean understanding, little information and uncertain temper. When she was discontented, she fancied herself nervous.” And Mrs. Norris in Mansfield Park is the exemplar of the dominating and snobbish middle-class women: “---trying to be in a bustle without having anything to bustle about, and laboring to be important where nothing was wanted but tranquillity and silence.”About the deep and eternal happiness, Austen also gives us some light. It’s  solitary walk, reflection, and appreciation of the beautiful nature that tranquillize our minds! And no quote on marriage is more famous than this: “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.”

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The nature of reflection is sadness. For a happy memory, we lament over its transitory existence ; for a sad memory, we experience again its heart-piercing pain. So, what’s the use of reflection? We reflect, as Roland Barthes claims, in order to be unhappy instead of being enlightened. Reflection is like vomiting; we throw up what is inside us, and then we calmly resume eating. And this is life!

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中古騎士文學的要素,就主角而言,有高貴的國王、英勇的騎士、及美麗的落難公主[1]。就結構而言,圍繞著追尋(quest)這個主題。騎士為表達對國王的忠誠,從家鄉出發,展開冒險之旅,一路歷經種種磨難,最後總憑藉著過人的勇氣與智慧,打敗敵人完成任務。騎士所追尋的目標,都是神聖而純潔的,不外是宗教或淑女。宗教指的是為捍衛基督教的神聖性,必須擊敗異教徒,尋回聖杯之類的宗教聖物;淑女指的是遭惡勢力囚禁的公主或皇后,要將她拯救出來,所象徵的意涵是對聖母瑪麗亞的崇拜。騎士的完美典範,屬亞瑟王傳奇中的第一武士Sir Lancelot。Lancelot武藝超群,冒險進入敵國,救出被綁架的皇后Guinevere,自此展開一段永恆忠貞的愛情。 英勇與真愛,便成了騎士文學的必要條件。「史瑞克」所戲擬的對象,正是騎士拯救落難美人的愛情典範。以下茲就其戲擬的情節,逐一闡釋。

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「贖罪」這部電影改編自Ian McEwan的原著小說,所探討的主題包括了社會階級、愛情、戰爭的衝擊以及文學作品中的虛與實。小說中對於主角的內心世界多所著墨,Ian以細膩的筆調,刻劃主角們感官所觸及的一切事物,讓其意識隨之飄遊於過去、現在及未來。要用影像來捕捉如此複雜的心靈活動,又要兼顧說故事的流暢是不容易的,而這正是本片最具特色之處。

片中有兩場主戲表現原著的意識流風貌。第一是水池畔打破花瓶的那一幕;第二則是在家中陰暗的圖書室角落。Briony 從她的房間無意中窺見姊姊(Celia)在僕人的兒子(Robbie)面前,脫衣服跳下水池。這個不尋常的舉動引起了她的不安與揣測;Briony從Robbie抬起手臂指向水池,和Celia慍怒的表情研判,她姊姊受到Robbie的脅迫。鏡頭隨後跳離Briony的觀點,而以Celia 和Robbie的角度切入。兩人是青梅竹馬的至交,但上了三年劍橋大學後卻變得生疏。Celia對於Robbie因階級意識而刻意保持距離十分惱怒,因此兩人言行中處處掩藏真實的感情而衝突不斷。Celia脫衣服入水池為的是撿花瓶碎片,但同時也是向Robbie宣告: 她不需要他的幫忙,也無視於他的存在,離家再去念六年的醫學院她也不在乎。而此刻的Robbie,一方面為自己的魯莽感到抱歉,另一方面,當他伸手撫平波動的池面時,不禁遐想Celia的憤怒是否意味著愛戀? 鏡頭重複了兩次水池場景,為的就是讓觀眾深入不同主角們的內心世界。


這兩個重複的場景,代表本片企圖忠於原著的努力。同時也給觀賞者一個重要的啟示: 境由心生。面對同樣的情境,不同層次的人會有不同的詮釋與感受,不要堅持只有自己的知見才是對的。像Briony因自己主觀的判斷,讓親人承受重大的傷痛,也耗盡了自己的一生來贖罪。

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Morrie, a spiritual mentor in this book, says wise words as a parting gift to his student. Those are valuable lessons from someone who has lived a meaningful life. They are worth memorizing and pondering over again and again!

"Aging isn’t just decay; it’s growth. It’s more than the negative that you’re going to die. It’s also the positive that you understand you’re going to die, and that you live a better life because of it.”

He also mentions the essence of happy love and marriage: “If you don’t respect the other person, you’re gonna have a lot of trouble. If you don’t know how to compromise. . . . If you can’t talk openly about what goes on between you. . . . If you don’t have a common set of values. . . “ 

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I came across a passage by Kant, an inaccessible philospher in my view. I used to keep his writings at a distance, for they are too difficult for a simple mind like me. But this passage is so surprisingly comprehensible: “There is many a person whom one esteems much too highly to be able to love him. He inspires admiration, but is too far above us to approach him with the familiarity of love.”How true it is when I reflect on the love affair in my old school days. The boy I fell in love then has become a scholar now. He was, is and will be so far above me that I dare not appraoch him with love. No wonder Kant remains single all his life, for fear of the pollution from love?


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