I like this story. It illustrates how we should manage our time and what we should regard as our priority in life. If we ponder over this question, we will live a more meaningful life.
A science teacher wanted to demonstrate a concept to her students. She takes a large-mouth jar and places several large rocks in it. She then asks the class, "Is it full?" Unanimously, the class reply, "Yes!"
The teacher then takes a bucket of gravel and pours it into the jar. The small rocks settle into the spaces between the big rocks. She then asks the class, "Is it full?" This time there are some students holding back, but most reply, "Yes!"
The teacher then produces a large can of sand and fills up the spaces between the gravel. For the third time the teacher asks, "Is it full?" Now most of the students are wary of answering, but again, many reply, "Yes!"
Then the teacher brings out a pitcher of water and pours it into the jar. The water saturates the sand. At this point the teacher asks the class, "What is the point of this demonstration?"
One bright young student raises his hand and then responds, "No matter how full one's schedule is in life, he can always squeeze in more things!" "No," replies the teacher, "The point is that unless you first place the big rocks into the jar, you are never going to get everything in. The big rocks are the important things in your life--your family, your friends, your personal growth. If you fill your life with small things--as demonstrated by the gravel, the sand, and the water--you will never have the time for the important things.
So, what are the "Big Rocks" in your life? Spending time with your parents, your children, your spouse, your friends? Taking the seminar or class to get the information and perspective you need to succeed? Making the time to set goals, plan or evaluate your progress? When you are hassled because there is no time, remember the story about the Big Rocks and the Jar!
Here is a summary practice for this article:
The Big Rocks and the Jar is a story about time management that uses a glass jar, , pebbles, sand, and to illustrate how to prioritize your day. The represents time, and each item that goes into it represents an activity with a relative to its size. The general idea is to fill your glass jar first with . These represent the things in your life, such as family and friends. Next, fill in the space between the rocks with . These are next on your of priority and get done only after your number one priority 'rocks' have been . Each new item added to the jar is of lesser than the one added before.