


在「卓別林與他的情人」這部傳記電影中,我們看到一代笑匠的笑淚人生、情愛生活,和對人道主義的支持。他的複雜人生,不是上述這些刻板形象可以涵蓋的。小勞勃道尼飾演片中的主角卓別林,並因為本片同時入圍了奧斯卡和金球獎的最佳男主角提名。 導演李察艾登布祿為了加強影片的深度和層次,特地剪映許多卓別林的知名影片,如「城市之光」、「摩登時代」等,讓觀眾在現實和虛幻間一賭默片大師的風采。另外卓別林的親生女兒裘拉汀卓別林也在片中詮釋卓別林苦難的母親。 而凱文克萊、影帝安東尼霍普金斯也在片中客串演出,是另一種向大師致敬的方式。

根據卓別林的自傳,我們得知一位天才演員的產生,背後有多少的心酸血淚! 以下這段文字,是他難忘的童年回憶,描述他如何在五歲時初試啼聲登上舞台,代替他母親表演,而後一鳴驚人,開啟往後的演藝生涯:

I was born in London on April 16, 1889, at eight o’clock at night.

According to Mother, my world was a happy one. We had moderate means to support ourselves and lived in three rented rooms. One of my early memories was that each night before Mother went to work at the theater, she would lovingly tuck my brother and me in.

My lovely mother was a singer. Unfortunately, in her late twenties, she suffered from laryngitis, but she had to keep working as we had no other means of financial support. As the condition of her voice gradually worsened, she could no longer rely on it. In the middle of performances, her voice would crack or suddenly fade into a whisper.

It was because of her voice that I made my first appearance onstage at the age of five. If it had not been so, I wouldn’t have begun my performing career at such an early age.



One night, Mother took me to the theater where she worked. It was a dirty, shabby place. The audience was mostly noisy and rough soldiers who needed no excuse to ridicule anyone performing onstage. To most performers, the theater was a place of terror.

I remember standing backstage when Mother’s voice cracked and faded into a whisper. The audience began to laugh and make fun of her. I did not quite understand what was going on. Not until Mother left the stage did the noise stop. When she came backstage, she was very upset. The stage manager, who had seen me perform for family friends, suggested that I take Mother’s place. He then led me by the hand to the stage.

After a few words of explanation to the audience, the manager left the stage. Then, accompanied by the orchestra, I started to sing. Halfway through the performance, I looked up and saw a shower of money pouring onto the stage. Immediately, I stopped and announced that I would pick up the money first and sing afterward. This caused much laughter. The stage manager came onstage with a handkerchief and helped me gather the money. I thought he was going to keep it and conveyed the thought to the audience. The laughter increased, especially when the manager walked away from the stage with the money with me anxiously following him. Not until he handed all the money to Mother did I return to the stage and continue to sing.

After I began to feel at home onstage, I talked to the audience, danced, and did several imitations. I even did an innocent imitation of Mother’s cracking voice during an Irish march. The impact it had on the audience surprised me. There was laughter and cheers followed by more money throwing. When Mother came onstage to carry me off, her presence was met with enthusiastic applause. It was my first appearance onstage and Mother’s last.



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