Illness as Metaphor, a 1978 work of critical theory by Susan Sontag, examines the cultural and metaphorical representations of two major illnesses: tuberculosis and cancer. The book's key points can be listed as follows:

《疾病如隱喻》是蘇珊·桑塔格(Susan Sontag)於1978年撰寫的批判性理論著作,內容檢視2種主要疾病,肺結核和癌症的文化隱喻。此書的重點列舉如下:


  1. Metaphorical portrayal of illnesses: Sontag argues that societies often use metaphors to describe and understand diseases, such as tuberculosis and cancer. These metaphors, though seemingly innocent, can contribute to stigmatization, fear, and misunderstanding surrounding these illnesses.


  1. Tuberculosis as a romanticized disease: Sontag discusses how tuberculosis was once romanticized and associated with artistic and intellectual genius during the 19th and early 20th centuries. This romanticized view obscured the harsh realities of the disease and its impact on patients and society.


  1. Cancer as a metaphor for evil: Sontag examines the cultural perception of cancer as a metaphor for something evil or morally corrupt. The use of cancer as a metaphor has led to blame and guilt being associated with the illness, causing additional suffering for the patients and their families.


  1. Stigmatization of the sick: By exploring the metaphors surrounding illness, Sontag exposes how society tends to stigmatize the sick, blaming them for their conditions or characterizing illnesses as punishment for personal shortcomings.


  1. The influence of language: Sontag emphasizes the power of language in shaping public perception and the need to use more accurate, non-metaphorical language when discussing illnesses. She advocates for a more nuanced and compassionate approach to talking about diseases.


  1. Myth of the "fight against cancer": Sontag critiques the rhetoric of the "battle" or "war" against cancer, suggesting that this language can create unrealistic expectations and put undue pressure on patients, leading to emotional distress.


  1. Social and psychological impact: The book explores the psychological toll of living with a stigmatized illness and how societal attitudes can affect a patient's experience, self-esteem, and sense of identity.


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Reflections on Alain de Botton’s Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believer’s Guide to the Uses of Religion







宗教講道 vs 大學講課:

改變人生 vs 傳達資訊 實用 vs 無用

「在基督教與世俗教育的典型教導模式當中,特別能夠清楚看出這兩種教育型態的不同:世俗教育提供的是講課,基督教提供的則是講道。就意圖而言,我們可以說前者致力於傳達資訊,後者則是致力於改變我們的人生。講道的活動本質上就必須假定聽眾在重要的面向上陷入了迷失。只要看看十八世紀英國最著名的傳教士衛斯理 (John Wesley)各場講道的題目,即可看出基督教如何致力於對靈魂在日常生活中遭遇的各種挑戰提出實用的忠告:〈論仁慈〉〈如何孝順父母〉〈論探訪病人〉《注意偏狹心態〉。衛斯理的講道內容雖然不太可能吸引無神論者的認同,但如同各種基督教典籍,他的講道也將知識分門別類劃歸於實用的標題下。

阿諾德、彌爾等人雖然原本盼望大學能夠提供世俗性的講道,教導我們如何避免偏狹心態以及探望病人的時候該說些什麼,但這些教育機構卻從來不曾為學生提供教會所著重的那種指引,原因是學術界認為自己應當避免在文化作品與個人苦難之間做出任何連結。如果有人想知道我們能夠從《黛絲姑娘》學到愛的哪些真諦,或是聲稱我們可以在亨利·詹姆斯的小說中找出寓意,提醒人在充滿陷阱的商業社會中保持誠實,這類說法在學術界眼中都是嚴重違反了大學禮儀的行為。」 (p.119)

宗教和學校教育有著相似的目標:教化人心。顯然宗教在這方面略勝一籌。人心多變複雜又脆弱,豈是學校教育能掌握? 容或學校有倫理、文學等通識課程,這些知識的傳播無法像宗教那樣強而有力的扭轉心性進而改變行為。講道可以有激情,講學呢? 想像一位教授詮釋感人作品時涕淚縱橫或慷慨激昂的樣子,學生不把當他/她當成是怪獸或精神失常才怪! 但是文學、電影或藝術作品,可以朝實用方向去引導,使之和真實生活產生連結,絕對是正確的作法!

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《不思量的藝術》譯自一行禪師(Thich Nhat Hanh)的英文著作 Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise。從英文標題得知,靜默是本書的主題。對年輕人而言,談論寂靜的力量,似乎老成了些;對不識佛法的人而言,寂靜等同消極遁世,是「佛系」二字的代名詞。近年來,「佛系」一詞如雨後春筍般冒出,其意涵多屬訕笑或嘲諷一切的消極不作為。看完此書,便知靜默不是遁世的禪修儀式,而是隨時可行的靜/淨心行動。「佛系」一詞,不該被誤解為擺爛的做事方式。

一行禪師在此書中,重申之前著作的核心思想---正念專注(Mindfulness)。為何要有正念? 原因再簡單不過,為了得到快樂。透過靜默而得的正念專注,可以清空腦袋不停運轉的思維,讓我們抽離擾嚷的環境,深刻覺知當下的一切,感受活著的奇蹟。我們曾幾何時會停下腳步,用心去感受日常的瑣碎? 邊吃飯邊聊天或划手機,未能領受食物真正的滋味。又或洗碗打掃等家事但求快速完成,以便迎接下一個任務。這樣的生活方式,都不是活在當下,因此就不能享有真正的自由及自在。活在當下的人,懂得如何關掉外界源源不斷的訊息,專注體會眼前的境界,進而從每件微不足道的瑣事中,得到寧靜的喜悅。

本書記錄實用的練習方式,在吸氣與吐氣的剎那,享受天地與自我的完美結合。靜默不受限於時空,是如影隨形的一種自覺,選擇全神貫注的活著,選擇聆聽自然萬物的聲音。心之所在,靜之所在。澄澈寧靜的心如平靜的海面,映照出互攝共生(interbeing)的世界。「我」不再是一個小身軀,而是和宇宙萬物相連的共同生命體。「我是誰? 」這個哲學的大哉問,在靜默的觀察中有了解答。原來「我」這個個體從來不孤獨,它包含了整個世界,舉凡空氣、陽光、水、動植物、祖先等,有生命或無生命的形體,無一不存在我的體內。有限的個人存在,蘊含無限的生命力,一沙一世界正是此義。靜默帶來的生命觀,適足以打破自我藩籬,與世界相連相依。

特別喜歡書中兩個詞語---自洲自依 (the island of self)及如雷貫耳的寧靜 (thundering silence)。快樂不假外求,它存在於你的內心。雖然苦海無涯,但不乏安身立命的心靈小島可以棲息。別以為靜默只是寂然無聲的狀態,它如雷貫耳,能喚醒沉睡的覺知,領悟生命的奇蹟。有了充分的覺察與瞭知,才能做出正確的判斷與抉擇。佛法是充滿行動力的教導,如本書所揭示。而「佛系」這個形容詞,是對佛法的表相詮釋。表面的止觀,冥想或不作為,為的是淨空並去除所有的雜染及偏見,而後貢獻生命於大宇宙,以自利與利他為目標而有所為






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「少年Pi的奇幻漂流」是Yann Martel所寫的奇幻小說,內容敘述16歲的印度少年Pi,在舉家移民加拿大的途中遭遇沈船。他靠著信仰,在救生艇上漂流227天後奇蹟生還,唯一的同伴是原先動物園內飼養的老虎。Pi的故事吻合神話英雄的三階段冒險。搭船前往加拿大,是英雄的啟程。他所信仰的三個宗教是外在的助力,他的啟蒙及帶回人世的禮物,是對神更堅定的信仰及推翻科學實證的客觀真理。


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Siddhartha is a 1922 novelette by Hermann Hesse, a German-Swiss poet and novelist awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946. It explores the spiritual quest of an Indian young man named Siddhartha during the time of the Gautama Buddha. Lyrical and philosophical, the book was influential during the 1960s as it rediscovered Oriental wisdom as an antidote to mechanistic civilization. In a certain sense, Siddhartha is a reflection of Hesse’s yearning for deliverance from the bondage of individuality. However, this keen searching doesn’t always meet with positive response in academia. The objections include Hess as an unintellectual guru, or Siddhartha as a false portrayal of Buddhism combined with Western individualism.

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Birdman, or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance, is an acclaimed American black comedy film winning the 2014 Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, and Best Cinematography. Despite its genre as a comedy, it arouses such turbulent emotions as pity and fear much like a tragedy. It’s not just a story about a washed-up superhero trying to regain his power. Rather, it’s a mirror of every one of us struggling to be relevant in our time, a projection of the universal fear that we don’t exist.

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「the grand budapest hotel 電影」的圖片搜尋結果

There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity  

The best quote in the film, also a thematic sentence, conveys the importance of our inner value in creating beauty and order out of the chaos of human life. Amazingly, so heavy a message can be delivered through such a lighthearted tone of the film. To me, no better words can describe the film than “entertainingly significant.” It keeps me in high spirits for the rest part of the day after watching it. In memory of this delightful experience so that it will leave some traces in my life, I write down what it is all about. Basically, it is an appealing artwork featuring a balanced structure, picturesque scenes, and thrilling suspense. But most significantly, it touches the big philosophical question---the meaning of life.    

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「sisyphus stone」的圖片搜尋結果




Sisyphus Myth Redefined: Richard Taylor’s “The Meaning of Life”



The ancient myth of Sisyphus is a paradigm of a meaningless life featuring pointlessness and futility. However, Richard Taylor gives this myth a twist, interpreting it from a new angle. He argues that Sisyphus’ life can have meaning on the condition that he has a “strange and irrational impulse “to roll stones, however bizarre this impulse may be. Also, if the stones rolling back from the mountaintop can be used to build a beautiful temple, then, Sisyphus’ labor doesn’t come to nothing. Like the glimmering light in the darkness of human existence, Taylor’s viewpoints provide an existentialist leap for those suffering from the meaninglessness of their life.

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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.


The classic quote from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice never dies. It finds numerous incarnations in romance throughout the world. The universal appeal of romance lies in its depiction of a utopian world of love, which is passionate, eternal, and most importantly, faithful. In this phenomenal world of inconstancy and decay, the perfect state in romance offers a vicarious satisfaction for the disappointed souls, however temporary it is.

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